Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Current Mood: Oh So Happy!! : )
Current Movie: Aladdin

I love Aladdin..... Don't you love it when an amazing movie just happens to be on TV? Aladdin is on ABC Family tonight, and my roommate and I are hanging out and watching it, a good break from the rigors of schoolwork!! The movie is like the cherry on my day..... I actually had a good one for once!!!

Even though today was so wonderful, I know that I have so much to do before school ends in 22 days!! So much homework and projects, and oh so many tests.....
I can barely keep it all straight. I have a list of all that I have to do just to attempt to keep up!! I can't even believe how little time I have left here.... It literally blows my mind that I will be leaving K-State for good so soon. It feels like Christmas break was just yesterday!! I am still having some mixed feelings about leaving my little family here, but thinking about all that is ahead of me keeps me moving forward. And I do have so much to look forward to!!

1.   Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi end of the year bonfire and picnic
2.   K-State Spring Game
3.   A summer with my two best friends in the whole world!
4.   Working like crazy and earning the pretty pretty money
5.   Going to a new school and learning the ropes
6.   Marching band! : )
7.   Going to back to London with my high school band (jumps up and down excitedly)
8.   Being home with my family

I just have to keep my eyes on the prize at this point..... I just want to get everything done, finish strong, and hopefully have a little fun on the way!! I am so excited to be going home this weekend to see The Pirates of Penzance at my high school, and all of my friends that are in it. It's going to be like a mini family reunion!! I am also freaking loving the amazingly hot weather that has settled over Kansas!! I am soaking up all of the sun that I can get and it has put me in a super good mood!! I know it won't last too much longer..... But I am going to make the most of it while it lasts!!

So, for now I am feeling hopeful. I am in a good mood. I feel like I have at least a loose grip on all of the things that I have to get done. And I have some fun activities coming up before school ends in THREE WEEKS!!! And now to continue with my movie!! Note to self: Watch Aladdin if you are ever feeling down..... It is the perfect cure for a crappy day!!

Love and Peace

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Just Wanna Dance

Current Mood: Hopeful
Current Song: Just Dance - Lady GaGa

I love sleep, and it's amazing what sleeping for 12 and half hours of sleep will do for you....

I went to bed last night between 12:30 and 1:00, and didn't wake up until 1:00 this afternoon. I rolled over and looked at the clock and couldn't believe it..... I haven't slept that long in forever. It was good though. Sometimes when I sleep that long I wake up and feel all crappy and sleep drunk, but today I was pretty clear headed and awake. Thank God for K-State open house and having all but one class canceled!!

All of that sleep has really made me feel better about things. I feel like I can handle things better now. I have been stressing out a lot lately about all of the things that I have to get done before the end of the year, but after going over everything and getting some sleep has made me realize that I can get everything done, I just need to stay on top of things and work hard..... It won't be fun, and it won't be easy, but it's what I have to do.

Well that's all for now kids- I am going to rock out to Lady GaGa now!!

And Just Dance, Gonna Be Ok......

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My wonderful, hilarious, and partially evil, cat Hootie died last weekend. When my dad told me I was literally speechless. All I could do was sit there, completely motionless, with this vacant expression on my face. I had seen him six days before and he was completely fine. It was just a huge shock. My dad said that he went really fast though and wasn't in any pain, so that was somewhat comforting. I think that I will always be guilty that I wasn't there though. I don't know if I could have done anything or changed the situation in any way, but I wasn't there..... I just wasn't there. 

After the initial shock was over, I was ok, but then it was so hard to walk downstairs for the first time when I got home. It was so weird to walk down there and not see him peeking out from around the couch or sacked out on my bed. Even weirder was not having him sleep with me. He has slept on the left hand corner of my bed for as long as I can remember. I always used to put my foot against him when I slept just because it was comforting knowing that he was there. I slept completely alone for the first time since I was six-years-old.... and I have to tell you that I was not a fan.

From then on, the rest of the weekend just continued to get harder as I began to realize what an enormous part of my life he was. From thinking that I could see him out of the corner of my eye while I was getting ready in the bathroom, to being so conditioned to feeding him every morning that I actually went in to feed him. That is the hardest part really.... I'm always ok until I do something that I would have done differently or don't have to do anymore and realize all over again that he isn't there. 

Needless to say it was a pretty crappy Easter weekend....

Now that I am back at school it is easier because I'm not in that environment anymore and there aren't constant reminders that he isn't here anymore. But I have been dreaming about him and every once in a while a song will come on, or there will be a cat on TV, or my roommate will talk about her cat, and I get that little sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and just feel sad all over again. I know that it is going to take time for me to feel better and not be so sad.... but right now it is just hard learning to live without my little buddy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So this was the last set of marching band drill to our song Karn Evil 9 my sophomore year. I dont' know if the drill writer was on crack or what he was smoking, but this is the form that we were supposed to make. 

(I think he said that it was supposed to be a tadpole?..... but that really isn't better any better - just less dirty!!)

When practicing this for the first time, our director flipped the page, saw this, and yelled, "OH MY GOD! IT'S A SPERM!!" I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in all my life!! Needless to say that rehearsal was over! 

So, this set was ultimately removed from our drill and something more appropriate, that did not resemble a part of the male reproductive system, was put in it's place. But this picture is proof that the sperm set was not just a legend, but very real indeed!!!

My Life Just Keeps Getting More And More Interesting.....

Current Mood: Exhausted
Current Song: First Day Of My Life - Melanie C

So many things going on right now!!
Here is just a snapshot into my life......

1. TBS/KKS convention last weekend - lots of fun talking to people and workshops were good, but getting up freakishly early on Saturday and Sunday and sitting through endless and seemingly pointless meetings was not so entertaining.... I could literally feel my brain turning to mush

2. My roommate has mono - enough said

3. I might have mono - enough said

4. My roommate and her mother are about to have world war three over her drinking, hanging out with older boys, and lying about some stuff - and i have a front row seat..... not that I want it!!

5. Easter is this weekend and I have to go home - not that I don't want to go home, but I need to catch up on stuff and I could really use a totally lazy weekend full of sleep and TV

6. Homework - I think that pretty much speaks for itself.......

7. Finally, I am so tired I can barely move, and I almost cry when I pass my bed because I miss it so much- I need a day to do absolutely nothing and relax, but unfortunately, no such day appears to be in sight

So that is my life right now..... mono, sleep deprivation, and homework...... and they say that college is fun??