Current Song: Starlight - Muse
Well.... I did it. I made it through my first week of classes at UNL. And let me tell you it was not an easy week. But I think that I learned a lot about where I need to go, when I need to go there, and what is generally expected of me. Also, I think I have finally gotten the whole driving across town thing every morning pretty much down. That was of great concern to me, and when the first day didn't necessarily go so well, I will admit that I was worried. But now with five days under my belt, I am feeling fairly confident. Now, I will say that I have been lucky finding a place to park in my parking garage every morning... I have a feeling that the first morning I am not so lucky is going to bring on a bit of a freak out. But we will cross that bridge when we get there.
I feel like I am learning how to go with the flow. This week could have been far worse and far more stressful than it was, and think that maybe the reason it went so well was that I have learned to relax a little and just roll with the punches. I used to get so nervous and stressed out about the smallest things.... and even a year or so ago this week would have caused me a great deal of anxiety. Not that this week was stress free, no far from it. But I feel like I have learned that if I'm late for something, it's not the end of the world. If I can't find a parking spot, it's not the end of the world. If I don't get an A on every assignment, it's not the end of the world. Basically, I have learned when it's necessary to panic over things and when to just let it go. And this new "come what may" attitude has definitely helped me cope with my new surroundings and situations.
Well.... one week down, and a whole lot more to go.....
Peace and Love
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