Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry
Ok, so I guess I have been a bit of a blogger slacker recently. I have no real excuses, just the usual i had no internet for 3 months and then I just got busy and forgot about it. But now I feel like I need someone to talk to, and the random anonymous world of the blogosphere seems like exactly what I need right now.
So much has changed this summer.... and yet so little has happened. I worked everyday, came home, ate, and went to bed. And yet, somewhere in this monotonous routine, I gained self-awareness, a better work ethic, and coping skills. I couldn't even really explain to you when all of these revelations happened, but I feel like a completely different person than I did when I left K-State in May. I changed so much when I was away last year and I thought that I was who I was, that all of the changing was done. But when it came time for school to start this year and I took a good long look at myself, I realized that I in fact had changed, quite a bit actually. I believe that I owe a great deal of these changes to my wonderful, often crazy, amazing friends, the old and the new.
I loved being home and having my two best friends home this summer. Whenever we got together it was like we were in 7th grade again, like we hadn't been in three different states for 9 months, like no time had passed at all since we met. And I loved that.... so much. They make me feel safe and happy no matter what. When I am feeling really shitty, I know that all I have to do is talk to one or both of them and even if we don't find a solution to the problem, I always feel better. I am sad now that school has started again and we are again in different states. But I truly think that time apart from each other has proven just how strong our friendship is and has ultimately been good for each one of us in different ways.
But I think that I owe a lot of how much I have changed to some of my new friends too. A lot of them are people that I work with, but over the course of the summer I feel like we have bonded on a different level. They make me laugh when I want to scream at a customer and throw in the towel, and they are truly the only people who really understand what it's like to work there and deal with all of the crap that happens. I now often look forward to going to work and get excited when I get to see certain people. It certainly makes the time go by much faster and the environment far more fun!! And well, I never thought I would say that I am sad to be working less, but now that school has started my hours are cut in half, and now that I love everyone so much, it's hard to think that I won't get to see them as much.
School has started.... it's hard to even write. It means that my wonderful summer has ended and harsh reality is raining down on me. It's not that school is that bad, it's just that school brings up conversations about responsibility, the future, and life.... all things that I skillfully spent all summer avoiding. Also, I am now in a new unfamiliar school, again. I am "that" dorky sophomore carrying around a map and looking confused and out of place. Not a position that I like to be in. And it's just all very stressful, a lot of firsts and stressors in a very short amount of time. But, I made it through the first day, I am well on my way through my second day, and things are looking like they are going to work out ok. So I am hopeful.....
Well, I guess I have droned on enough for now. I promise that I will try to be less of a blogger slacker in the days and weeks to come!!!
Peace and Love